two things and then i am off to bed...
1) i want to be penpals.
with who?
with you.
lets send fun goodies and paper notes and other rad stuff.
are you interested?
[please say yes]
and then email me.
2) one of my may goals is to have 100 blog followers by the end of the month.
the reward was going to be a fun giveaway.
but then my brain got to work and i thought :::: i know what to do!!!! :::
ill open up my blog to FREE advertising for AT LEAST two months.
that way, small blogs can gain more exposure and we can all work to create a stronger community.
so, if you are a lurker, hit :follow: [please] and if you are a follwer, tell your friends.
ok, so what did you learn here?!?
be my friend [cuz i send cool stuff]
and follow my blog, so we can get some sweet blogs on here.
thanks for reading.
and for coming back day after day.
i appreciate it!
[i could always join the circus...]