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Sunday, June 12, 2011

: my bag is famous! :

this is [kinda] true.

so, a few weeks ago, mandy won one of my giveaways. and i made her [one of my fave] market totes.

she let me know last week, that her [doll of a] son was making a video about global warming for a school assignment and he was going to use my tote bag!

now, if you have been reading for a while, you know that i LOVE the planet. i do. i consider blake and myself really sustainable and conscious of the environment. so, as soon as mandy sent me the link, i watched the video over and over.

head over to her blog and check it out.
[heres the cute video!]
theres a small clip of my bag [thanks mandy], but the whole video is super inspiring.
i love that we are teaching kids about sustainability and how they can make a difference.

today : catching up on blogging, cleaning the apartment [seriously, i wouldnt let any of you come over; not even my mother], taking another bike ride, and sewing all 11 bags.

your weekened? how was it?
