hi everybody.
i hope you are well.
[by the tweets online, it sounds like lots of folks are boogery and sick..]
if you follow me on twitter or facebook OR you saw the new tab i added to the blog, you have seen my new holiday idea!
a gift swap!
i would love to have you ; there are already a bunch of crafty folks signed up and it will only get better from here.
heres how it works ;
you send me an email [take.a.picture[at]live[dot]com] and say 'hey! i am in!'
tell me where you live [full address] ; and where you are willing to mail to [just united states? us & canada? all countries?]. and tell me three fun facts about yourself!
i will then use my super-secret sorting powers and give you a gift-swapping partner ; i will send you their address and their three fun facts. [but shhhhh ; its a secret!]
your job is to create or buy a handmade item that will make your partner smile. [budget $10-20 ; or whatever you can afford!] you can make them something that fits with their fun facts ; you can purchase a gift from a handmade artist ; or just make a gift that you just know they will dig. please avoid buying a $20 gift card from large chain retailers ; we want to make this is great experience for everybody!
are you interested?!
send me an email and let me know!