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Saturday, February 11, 2012

: i've MOVED! : switching from etsy to big cartel : and THREE DISCOUNTS

well, i dont have TONS of advice for you because i just switched yesterday ;).
but, i have been *dreaming* of switching over for the past couple months.

right now, i am in the process of lessening my etsy shop and really building up my big cartel shop.
i LOVE the idea of how customizable big cartel is.
check out these amazing big cartel shop layouts ; love it!

i have big plans, but we are still planning & learning about coding [man, if you are good at that & wanna help, please send me an email!!!]

so, while i am switching over, i wanted to offer THREE discounts.

*this is ONLY for the big cartel shop*

1) ALL scarves & cowls are $10 off.
type in BIGMOVE at checkout to save $10.
*that means corn pieces for $35 ; cowls for $13-20*
the catch?
there are ONLY 3 codes available ; when they have been used, this deal is over.

2) ALL winter hats and headbands are $6 off.
type in STOCKUP at checkout to save $6.
that makes hats $12 & $10 headbands!
if you have a few pen pal//gift swaps coming up, this is a great gift.
*there are only 3 of these codes available*

3) ALL :babypantz: are buy one, get one half-off!
[that saves you almost $5!]
type in BOGOPANTZ at checkout
these are *such* a great gift ; affordable, adorable and most of my styles are gender neutral.
*there are FOUR of these codes available*

keep checking back often, i will be moving stuff all weekend, along with trying out new designs//ideas.

happy saturday!