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Friday, July 13, 2012

: things you should be reading : week 1 : lots 'o links! :

happy friday!
minneapolis-pantz is takin' a break this week.
why? because i have found so many rad links // stories i want to share.
each week kam, gala & deanna do link ups & i totally love them.

this week :
*25 great answers [foods!] to the question 'how do vegans get their calcium?'

*a really great article about why you DONT need milk from mark bittman

* how about personal-sized oatmeal cups?

*99 foods that should be in your grocery cart

* vegan banana oat breakfast cookies make a fab on-the-go meal

* 8 uses for old coffee grounds [this is a great list!]

* a 10 minute workout for tanktop arms

* want to learn how to span photos? [me too!]

* whew! 30 things you DONT have to do before you are 30! [thank you very much!]

* do you own a dog? how about a homemade frosty paws recipe?!

* martha stewart wants you to relax! learn to make bath fizzies!

* some powerful info-graphics breaking down a nation of meat eaters.

* 9 easy things to make yourself a better human

* and a sweet little article about the greatness of yet another farmers market in minneapolis [in my neighborhood!]

have a great weekend, everybody!