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Saturday, December 1, 2012

december goals! : 31 days til 2013!! :

the last month of 2012. you have 31 days left ; what are your goals?

in december i want to : 
1) finish month 1 of turbofire [i am loving this dvd series]
2) order more beeswax, make more candles & share the tutorial
3) pay another $__________ on my student loans [i am getting SO close!]
4) clean up my old blog posts // picasa photos
5) save up money for a new mattress?
6) continue tracking my spending ; i am enjoying this. i really like to see where my money is going.
7) bake my own bread & share
8) continue to shop in bulk.
9) make a list of 2013[!] goals + 101 in 1001 things
10) volunteer 1-3X

___below are my november goals ___________________________________________
in november i want to : 
1) finish all holiday shopping // crafting.
i know what everybody is getting ; now i just need all my supplies.

2) make candles & share the tutorial
3) pay $______ on credit card [i had my card paid off, but put a few bigger purchases on there with the full intent on paying them off right away ; mostly to continue to build credit.]
4) pay $_________ on loans [my goal is to have my loans UNDER $3,000 by the end of the month!!!]
5) track my spending ; i did great in september & okay in october. i really like to know where my money is going. plus, it makes me way more accountable.
6) bootcamp!! i bought a great groupon a couple weeks ago for a killer bootcamp studio & i will start going next week. with this goal, comes results. i also want to be leaner & stronger by december 1st.
[this was a huge mess & a bit of a joke [scam?] : i cancelled and got my money back]
7) bake my own bread. azia posted a recipe & last night i bought 20 pounds of flour and am ready to get started. also, im on the lookout for a specific pyrex bread pan..
8) get my etsy shop 'holiday ready' ; plus a sale. i have so many great pieces to list, but dont have enough hours in the day to get them all photographed!
9) adopt-a-hive ; this is super exciting & i will blog about it this month
[pretty sure this will be my birthday surprise from blake ;)]
10) replace ALL bath products. again, excited to share.
11) start a new '101 in 1001 list' ; my 1st list expires in december & i want to make a new list.
12) bake homemade naan bread
13) only buy in bulk! coffee, sugar, beans, ect. the bulk bins are bargain-machines & i do not use them enough!!
14) follow blog tips [i found a great article to share about maximizing your blogs potential!]

tell me :
what is ONE thing you want to accomplish before the new year?!