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Thursday, March 1, 2012

: march goals & a february recap :

hey everybody!
happy march 1st!!

this month i have big things planned for the blog & the shop.
[annnnd blake has been working SO HARD behind the scenes on my new shop layout!]

i have a bunch of goals this month.

in march i want to : 
1) post 30 day p90x photos
2) WRITE EBOOK : make & photo 8-10 'things' ;)
3) make 8+ more bow ties ; add to shop
4) pay $_____ on loans
5) pay $_____ on camera [credit card]
6) read 4-6 books
7) photo-a-day challenge OR just take a photo a day
8) do my taxes [largely unassisted!]
9) do 15 NO KNEE push ups
10) give 5% to a charity i care about 
11) visit two minnesota historical society sites
12) volunteer 1x
13) leave 20 blog comments
14) make $____ profit

in february i want to : 
1) make $ ______ loan payment
2) make $ ______ profit [SO close!]
3) volunteer with fmsc 1x 
4) finish & post 60 day insanity photos see them here
5) read 6 more books [that is a lot of books!] [read 3]
6) make homemade hummus [maybe with beets?] [nope ; next month?]
7) SNOWSHOE [edit : this doesnt count against me if it doesnt happen cuz we DONT HAVE ANY SNOW!]
8) make 1 crock-pot meal [nope]
9) add 10 new items to the shop here!
10) make 4 vegan donuts [i have kinda fallen off the donut bandwagon]
11) do this insta-gram picture a day challenge
12) do a 'day in the life' photo shoot with my polaroid camera
13) donate 10% of :dianapantz: profits to the abben cancer center in my grandpas name
14) pay for the person behind me 1x
15) start p90x [this will be ridiculous!]
16) go outside EVERY SINGLE day [since i work from home, if i am not careful, i can easily stay inside for entire days. i LOVE being outside and have to make this more important.

not bad : 9/15

here is to a great MARCH!
tell me : what are your goals this month?